Wednesday, February 22, 2006


i think deeper than any pain of my own, i feel most the sadness of a young soul closing eyes to its own potential. i hate, i really hate, when a child truly believes it is no longer worth the effort to hope. the sparkles--even if they twinkled only on occassion--disappear. and they smile and laugh, and i can still sense their gratitude for all i've done. but they become a young zombie, locked inside the box this society holds them in. and it's like the stars falling out of heaven. the discomfort of utter black.


christa said...

Wow, bad day at work?

Sheila K. said...

something like that....most days i can remind myself that it's not my job to save the world, but each kid feels like the world sometimes, and it can be a little overwhelming. and it makes me a little lonely for a smaller world. you know?

christa said...

yeah, i know. i wish i could say something brilliant and comforting, but all such words sound hollow at times like these. you are fantastic, you know that. you are at least doing SOMETHING. even if you can't save the world, you might save yourself in the process of trying. or maybe you just need to take a break, clear your head. when everything gets overwhelming it's time to step back and take a deep breath.