Monday, March 13, 2006

things i wonder

how someone can leave after promising to love you forever. how a friend can forget the magic of walks in the moonlight. how red can make the day brighter. how good, healthy work can give me energy, but a day of relaxation can leave me feeling there is no way up. how ignorance can control the masses. how easily we believe the notion that we must have things--as reported in media. how music can hold me in the darkest moments. how people who claim to love their God whole-heartedly can vote to hurt the neediest of souls. how self-preservation seems the priority for so many when in fact, it should be LOVE. how puppies can make the most cynical soul laugh. how cloudy, windy days are the best for napping. how a long walk in solitude can provide solace. how dreams can be so real and leave me craving another so deeply, in turn leaving a void full of disappointment. how words are constantly typing themselves on the inside of my eyelids--how they never stop. how chocolate seems to soothe all cares. how sunshine can make my step lighter. how stories--novels and poetry--can take me completely from this world to that of another. how God is bigger than the box we provide EL. how change can be so intimidating, while at the same time liberating. how people judge others because they are so desperate to believe they are better than they are. how sailing always, always lets me hope. how it feels to have a child inside. how we are shaped by circumstance and choice, but mostly by choice. how viewing another's art is a relief. how we continue when loneliness is suffocating. how Spring is enchanting. how we grow through pain. how we can let another love us beyond ourselves. how we hold it all together. true forgiveness.


Anonymous said...

Pain seemed to run in those words. My soul is heavy for you and my eyes bordered moistness. May God give you a peacefull rest of the day, may your soul run with happieness.
God Bless You sweetheart

Becky said...


This is Becky (Waltz) Mancilla from Cornerstone! I have kept up with you sort of peripherally through Christa, but I would love to say a "real" hello, not just in cyberspace! Visit my blog if you like, but I'd like it even better if you'd e-mail me...

My best, best wishes to you and my hopes that you are doing well.
