Friday, March 06, 2009

Sunny...come Spring

It's such a beautiful day today, it's hard to focus on anything academic. I just want to lounge around in the sun and soak it up--I love this kind of energy. But, I do miss my MN life...days like this, Mandee and/or Rebecca and I would take a long walk or bike ride. We'd probably be grilling on the patio and talking to Alex, watching David, Devon, and Petey running around. We would be laughing and enjoying each other's company so very much. I miss being so satisfied and happy.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Writer's BLOK

I'm stuck. I need to write about why I'm a good teacher and I can't seem to to be able to put it into words. I'm a good teacher. I konw this...but how to put it into words....I love people. I care about my students. I do my very best to BE the kind of teacher I want them to often I think we rely on CONTENT to teach students how to become teachers, rather than PROCESS. Students need to experience learning and teaching. They need to see me leading them through these processes so that they can do this too. I know that life happens. I don't need to hold rules over students' heads to try to get them to be "good" students. They get sick, they stay up late caring for a distraught roomate, they make a poor choice once and awhile. What good does it do for me to reduce their grade for living their lives, often in meaningful ways. Yes, all of our choices have results, but grades are not indicative of a student's learning...just as point reductions don't help a student learn anything about being a good teacher, but about following rules. I wish I had more words, or more ways to explain why I'm a good teacher...